Week 12. Molding and Casting#
- Authors :
Jun Kawahara
,Kai Naito
,Asako Okazaki
,Georg Tremmel
- Created :
, Last Update:4/19/2023
Individual Assignments#
- design a mold around the stock and tooling that you’ll be using,
- mill it (rough cut + three-axis finish cut),
- and use it to cast parts
- extra credit: use more then two mold parts
Group assignment#
- review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials,
- then make and compare test casts with each of them
- extra credit: try other molding and casting processes
Learning outcomes#
- Design appropriate objects within the limitations of 3 axis machining
- Demonstrate workflows used in mould design, construction and casting
Have you answered these questions?#
- Linked to the group assignment page and reflected on your individual page what you have learned
- Reviewed the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials, then made and compared test casts with each of them
- Documented how you designed your 3D mold and created your rough and finish toolpaths for machining, including machine settings
- Shown how you made your mold and cast the parts
- Described problems and how you fixed them
- Included your design files and ‘hero shot’ of the mold and the final object
- Confirmation of this week’s assignment
- Class review
- MTM progress review
- Group work
- Individual work
Individual Assignments#
- Learn the three-step casting process for making silicon moulds Yuichi Tamiya 2017, Georg Tremmel 2021
Support Document: Rico’s Mold Making Tutorial in Fusion360
Group Assignment#
- Ferris® File-A-Wax® Carving & Milling Waxes - Freeman Manufacturing and Supply Company
- SDS for blue wax
- Smooth-On Document Library - Technical Bulletins (TB), Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- TB / SDS / Food Safe Technical Bulletin
- Color: Water Clear Translucent
- Pot Life: 25 minutes
- Cure Time: 4 hours
- Mix Ratio By Volume: 1A:1B
- Mix Ratio By Weight: 1A:1B
Individual assignment#
- Ferris File-A-Wax Blue
- Size : 147 x 88 x 37mm (Actual mesurement 実測値)
- Manuacturer site
- ⅛inch (3.18 mm) long 4FL SE
- ⅛inch 2FL BN
- 1/16inch 2FL BN
Notes on Machining#
Create two types of toolpaths - Rough Cut: a layered path to remove material efficiently - Finish cut: three-dimensional milling like descending a valley and ascending a mountain
- Square end: even a square can be made into the three-dimensional path described above for finishing.
- Ball end: The cutting edge can go into finer areas than square. When cutting horizontal surfaces, it takes more time than square.
- XTRA LONG : Can cut deeper pockets. However, the bite bends, so run-out (shaft shake) is greater. Recommended for this week’s task. Make sure that the shank and collet do not strike the material (especially when trying to dig deeper pockets). For example, taper the walls of the pocket to make room for the shank and collet.
- 型のデザインについて
- Vent(空気の抜け道)の位置
- 気泡を取り除く方法
- stirring(攪拌) : 垂直方向に混ぜるのではなく、水平方向に混ぜると気泡が生じにくい
- pouring(注ぎ) : 水平な天井があるような型なら、少し傾けて注ぐと気泡が入りにくい
- painting(塗る) : 造形の細かい箇所は筆で材料をペイントしてから注ぎ込む
- vacuum(減圧) : デシケーターなどを使い、容器内の気圧を下げて気泡を抜く
- 他、たたく、振動を与えるなど
Polymers consist of repeating molecular units (monomers). Here are examples.
Polyl(lactic acid) (PLA)(ポリ乳酸)#
monomer: lactic acid(乳酸)
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)#
monomers: acrylonitrile(アクリロニトリル), butadien(ブタジエン), and styren(スチレン)
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)#
monomers: ethylene glycol(エチレングリコール) and terephthalic acid(テレフタル酸)
monomers: polyisocyanate(ポリイソシアネート), polyol(ポリオール)
SDS of Smooth-Cast 300#
Smooth-Cast 300 consists of Part A and B.
Ingredients of Part A are isocyanates.
If you want to know what its structure looks like, google it using CAS number like, “CAS:101-68-8“
4,4 Methylene bis(phenylisocyanate)(MDI)
Benzene, 1,1’-methylenebis[4-isosyanato-], homopolymer
Ingredients of Part B is disclosed in SDS, but it must be polyols, which is containing a bunch of -OH group.